....and one I don't possess very much of! Lots of things make me impatient. People who stand for ages in a supermarket checkout queue waiting to be served for example, only to spend five minutes ferretting about in their handbag for their purse once they get to the till - what's that about?
Or people who continue to whinge about the coalition government and bewail the fact that Gordon has gone back to the highlands. He had his chance for 13 years, he muffed it, get over it.
Or those calls I keep getting from a man in India - who I'm sure is very nice and is just doing his job - offering me an upgrade on my broadband.
But perhaps the thing testing my patience the most at the moment is Baby J's arrival. One week to go until my due date. I've been having many conversations with the little monkey - explaining that we do like to be prompt in our household and that tardiness really isn't appreciated, but it seems to be falling on deaf ears.
Perhaps the most interesting thing is how impatient Mr Jones is. He is, usually, so laid back that I sometimes worry that he'll just not bother to breathe. But he is desperate for the baby to arrive. He keeps pressing on its little bottom in my tummy and yelling "Get out!!". Everytime I have a twinge he's sure it's a contraction, while I pass it off as a stitch or backache due to overzealous gardening. I quite like this new side of him - he rarely gets excited about well anything really.
I have decided that Baby J is a boy. It was my gut reaction when I got pregnant and after a good six months of hoping the bump is a girl (not because I particularly want girls - but because girl baby clothes are soooooo much nicer) I have now decided that it is actually a little boy. I also think it's going to be about eight and a half pounds. Hopefully it won't be long before we see if I'm right.
A Breathtaking Castello Oldofredi Wedding on Lake Iseo in Italy
[section title=”The Planning”] [field title=”Wedding Colors”]Blue, yellow,
orange, purple & pink[/field] [field title=”Design / Vibe / Vision”]A
welcome pa...
5 hours ago
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