Wednesday 21 January 2009

Bootcamp - update

I've lost another two pounds (I think - because I've lost the piece of paper I wrote all my weights down on - so if I say two pounds that must be right - right?).

Anyway - I was rather hoping for more than two pounds this week. Especially as Mr Jones had to talk me down off of the "Sod it all - I want a big dirty curry" precipice on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And there were points where I was looking at the cats with something other than affection - but the resolve held and I made do with healthy dinners (all of which have been lovely - just a bit 'fat free').

While typing I am enjoying a flask of homemade thai sweet potato and butternut squash soup - thick and satisfying and just a little bit too spicy - it'll probably keep me going until oooh about 3pm, when I'll treat myself to a pot of fat free organic yogurt! Good god I can hardly wait.

Yours, ever thinner, Mrs Jones-to-be x

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